Silicon is the 14th element
on the Periodic Table. Silicon fundamental constituents is,one proton
heavier than aluminium and one proton lighter than phosphorus. So it is
one of the major component for Computer Processors. After oxygen, it’s
the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. So we can’t find
just around us. It Cannot be find in pure state,virtually comes as a
components with other elements. It commonly found as silicate(Sio4) which is one silicon and 4 atom bounds and Silica (Sio2)
which is 1 Silicon atom bound with 2 oxygen atoms. Silica, in a rough
and highly contaminated form, is the primary component of sand.
Feldspar, granite, quartz, and more are all based on silicon-oxygen
Silicon Components has
variety properties that can bind with other atoms tightly in complex
arrangements. Silicates like calcium are primary component of Portland
cement, the main binder in concrete, mortar, and even stucco. Some
silicate-rich materials can be heated to produce hardened ceramics like
porcelain, while others will fuse to form the world’s primary form of
glass, soda-lime glass.
Silicon is also used for Other trace
addictive substance like cast iron,which uses both carbon and silicon to
make iron more resilient and less brittle. silicon is also the major
structural component of the synthetic material. Conductors have low
resistance while electric current can easily pass. While insulators have
high resistance, the electrons will be block. For a transistor it
require semiconductor to switch on or off. The best semiconductors for
industry can be treated with a wide variety of “dopant’s” to finely
adjust their resistance, as needed.
Silicon isn’t the only
semiconducting substance on Earth which is available in all over the
world.We don’t need to export from the African mines. Growing enormous,
near-perfect silicon crystals is one of the primary skills in modern
computer chip manufacturing. These crystal has been divided into thin
wafers,then engraved, processed and treated in different ways before
dicing into commercial processors. It’s possible to make superior
transistors into carbon and exotic materials like germanium etc.
Silicon crystals are made
in 300 mm diameter cylinders, but research is fast approaching the 450mm
threshold.These keep the production cost down after that? There might
finally be no choice but to abandon silicon for something less abundant
and easy to work good news for processing speeds, but almost certainly
bad news for your wallet.
Silicon alien life
The core structural
molecules that make up our bodies (proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids,
fatty acids, and more) are built on skeletons of carbon atoms. This is
because carbon has the property called tetravalent. Oxygen can stable
two chemical bond and nitrogen has three. Tetra-valency is a powerful
basis for building molecules that are both strong and geometrical. If we
know the Periodic Table the elements in vertical column has similar
properties. This is why science fiction authors have spent so much time
and ink of the idea of silicon-based life; being tetravalent itself,
silicon is the most plausible alternate structural element in totally
novel forms of life. Silicon is happy to bond with other atoms like
carbon such that it can be double lock into a single substance.
Silicon is much more
abundant on earth than the carbon. It has to be reason that we are
organic (carbon) based ,rather than Silicon. And that the reason comes
back to periodic table. Elements which are lower than Periodic Table
have heavier nuclei and large electron shells. Silicon is larger and
heavier than the carbon which is used for recombinant DNA. Silicon is
less widely than the carbon such that silicon based life could be less
chemically diverse, or require silicon enzymes to force chemically
less-desirable compounds into existence.
Silicon is going to pop up
the exponential historical trend in computing power technology. It will
remains the substance of choice in many fields. At the very least, we
are not anywhere near abandoning its use as a building supply, since
silicon compounds are the basis for the rock that makes up the vast
majority of the Earth’s crust.
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